I purchased this group 4 or 5 years ago. Musser was with the 508th PIR 82nd Airborne Division.
In the group are his sterling jump wings with 2 stars attached made by Orber. A sterling Combat
Infantry Badge. Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Good Conduct medals are non engraved, slot brooch style. 82nd Abn.,508th
pocket patch, paraglider overseas cap patch, paratrooper overseas cap patch, emroidered jump wings on khaki cloth, his dog
tags, ribbon bars with the EAME ribbon showing an invasion broadhead with 3 combat stars. There are 6 black and white original
pics. One shows Musser lighting a smoke. On the back it states that the picture was taken en route to Dillenburg Germany.
Another shot shows 4 troopers standing together in their class A's. One small pic of the Holland jump and a nice shot of a
half destoyed windmill.