Emory E. Newsom was born July 20, 1921 and died July, 1972 and was from Denton, North Carolina. He
served with the 82nd Airborne Division.
The group consists of the following;
82nd patch with seperate tab
Slot brooch Good Conduct medal
Crimp broochEAME with invasion broadhead and 2 battle stars
Crimp brooch American Campaign Medal
Crimp brooch POW medal (instituted in 1985)
Crimp brooch WW2 Victory Medal
Clutchback jump wings
Sterling clutchback Combat Infantry Badge
POW Dog Tag for Stalag XII A (has can opener attached)
clutchback infantry collar discs
Overseas bars denoting 2 1/2 years service overseas
small 82nd pin with small gold jump wings attached
Ribbons for his corresponding medals
A story on General Jim Gavin taken out of Pageant 1951